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Facts about working from home

We go above and beyond in order to show our CSP's why we’re the best option when considering an IBO, which include support to ensure they are at the top of their game and additional coaching.

Read below to learn more about the benefits to considering when thinking of working from home.

Contact us if you have any questions.

Control of your time

Once you are working from home, you won’t be obligated to a set schedule. You won’t be limited to be working from 9 to 5.

Have appointment?  You can work your schedule around it without taking the entire day off from work. You will have a much easier work life balance being in control of your personal and work schedule. If you want to work more hours to buy something special you can.  If you want to cut back to focus on something else, well you can do that also

Family Time

More positive impact on those around you

Being home more equals more time with family and friends.   At the end of the day spending time with them is what’s important. 

We love being able to be a part of our children’s school events.  If receive the proper notification, 3 days, you can schedule yourself off to attend those events.  This is a huge difference from being a part of the corporate world. 

This will have huge impact on your family that you have the power to control. Working from home allows you to have freedom that nothing can compare to.

Cheerful marketing people brainstorming

Less stress

I am sure we all know someone who has taken time off from work.  This could have been for a simple for a “me or sick/day”.   
Stress from work, burnout from being overworked, and just being tired from lack of sleep adds up.  Working from home you won’t have that problem; you can have a personal day every week.  You also don’t have to worry about office gossip, people not cleaning out the refrigerator of bringing a gift to the monthly potluck. Working from home will save you these headaches. You are your own boss!

Yoga Session

No more toxic environment

Sadly, an office can be filled with people that can suck the joy out of your life, they are known for bringing everyone around them down. Some people just want to complain about everything, and this brings a dark cloud on everyone around them. When working from home, you do not have to deal with these types of people. You are your own boss and only have to answer to yourself.

Focusing at Work

Less time behind the wheel

The average time spent driving to work is 30-40 mins and that is just one way, the average time per year for commuters in the MDV is 3 days in traffic.

Think of that time by two, because you have to get back home at the end of the day, and you will spend almost 10% of your day behind the wheel.

Working from home gives you more time, time that can now be spent with your family and friends. Time that you can spend on your hobbies or simply doing what you want to do.

Woman at Subway

Less driving so less vehicle expenses

A typical telecommuter can save between $2,000 and $7,000 a year working from home.  Don't turn in your license just yet; you will still need to drive just not to work.  Cutting out that daily commute requirement will save additional miles on your vehicle.  You will also save on car repairs and maintenance due to less wear and tear.

Post Box

Tax write off

You will be able to deduct your internet, phone, supplies, and even the square footage of your home office.

Men with Calculator
Facts about working from home: Features
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